Over the course of more than 175,000 projects, WJE engineers, architects, and materials have worked to extend the life of countless structures, improve our understanding of why materials and structures fail, and contribute to a safer and more durable built world. We’re passionate about our work and believe it is our responsibility to share our experiences and lessons learned for the enrichment of our clients and the advancement of our industry.
We hope you learn something new that helps you better understand and address a challenge you face in your own work.
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We regularly host webinars on interesting topics and challenges related to the built world. You’re encouraged to search through our library for subjects of interest to you. Watch, listen, and share these recordings with others, and join our webinar mailing list to receive invitations to upcoming live webinars. Attendees are eligible for American Institute of Architects Learning Units, which count toward licensing requirements for professional engineers in most states.
Whether you join us live or view a recording, we hope you'll learn something new that will help you in your work.
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Experience our capabilities, project work, laboratories, and company culture as told by our staff and clients in this selection of videos.
Historic footage and present-day videos of WJE staff at work MORE >Limitless
A WJE case study of our work to repair a lift lock in Ontario, Canada for Parks Canada. MORE >Case Study: Kirkfield Lift Lock
On August 8, 2024, we hosted guests at our Northbrook headquarters to discuss the challenges and... MORE >Low-Embodied Carbon Concrete Demonstration for Data Center Construction
In this Solving for Why video, architect Tony Cinnamon explains how pressure wall testing helps... MORE >Solving for Why: Pressure Wall Testing
Learn about WJE's innovative structural repair approach and laboratory testing regime that... MORE >Case Study: Art Institute of Chicago, Loggia Restorations
In this Solving for Why video, chemist Mat Starczewski demonstrates the use of gas... MORE >Solving for Why: Analyzing Materials with Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
Demonstration of vibration testing and monitoring equipment used for vibration control during... MORE >Demonstration of Vibration Monitoring for Museum Construction Projects
In this Solving for Why video, chemistry technician Carl Jasieniecki demonstrates a chloride... MORE >Solving for Why: Chloride Testing of Cementitious Materials
In this Solving for Why video, roofing consultant Pat Giblin demonstrates using high voltage... MORE >Solving for Why: High Voltage Electronic Leak Detection
In this Solving for Why video, architect and structural engineer Kevin Kalata demonstrates... MORE >Solving for Why: Pressurized Water Penetration Testing
In this Solving for Why video, building scientist Justin Boone demonstrates a whole building air... MORE >Solving for Why: Whole Building Air Leakage Testing
What is the cause and extent of a leak in a building's roof or enclosure? MORE >Solving for Why: Thermal Imaging of Roofs
Learn about how we analyze the ionic profile of a water sample to identify the source of a leak. MORE >Solving for Why: Determining the Source of Leaks with Ion Chromatography
Learn how we determine the amount of stress a coating can withstand before it fails. MORE >Solving for Why: Pull-Off Adhesion Testing of Coatings
Demo of assessment of corroded tray rings in a process column. MORE >Solving for Why: Fitness for Service Assessments
Learn about fatigue failure and how engineers calculate fatigue life for metal equipment. MORE >Solving for Why: Metal Fatigue Failures
Our professionals are leaders in key industry organizations and technical committees and regularly contribute to the ongoing dialogue of the built world at conferences and other educational forums. Check back soon to see where our experts will be speaking next.
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM ET
Kentucky International Convention Center
Louisville, KY
11:00 AM - 2:45 PM ET
If you’re planning your next meeting or conference and need a knowledgeable and experienced speaker to address industry challenges and solutions related to structural, architectural, and materials problems in new and existing structures, please contact us contains general information regarding facade ordinances in various cities throughout the United States. The site contains information, deadlines, and timelines on facade ordinances for Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, Jersey City, Milwaukee, New York City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, and St. Louis. serves as a knowledge base for information regarding seismic assessment and retrofit requirements and relevant deadlines that pertain to seismic ordinances in various cities throughout California. The site covers both wood-frame soft-story structures and non-ductile concrete structures in the following cities: Alameda, Berkeley, Beverly Hills, Burbank, Carpinteria, Culver City, Fremont, Hayward, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Mountain View, Oakland, Pasadena, Richmond, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Monica, Torrance, and West Hollywood. provides information about the many considerations that need to be made when specifying, evaluating, and constructing sustainable concrete. We are intimately knowledgeable of the industry trend towards sustainable concrete and ready to help our clients navigate these changes through comprehensive and innovative problem-solving.